Jessa Andulana
J-ust  trust with me, my love is
E-verlasting for you and every
S-ingle day you always on my heart and every
S-econd you always on my mind
A-lways remember you as my life
A-nd be thankful that you will be my last
N-othing is impossible to be with your arms
D-arkest side will become a light
U-pon my dreams you were the right
L-ove me for who i am
A-and im glad you will come
N-o other reason to doubts
A-nd be thankful to God that you were on my side.

Kyla Feye De Leon
K-nowing is important at first
Y-our personality is really important
L-earning the things you like and dislike
A-re my favorite part because i know
F-or every single thing that i will know will help me
E-verytime that were going to face challenges
Y-ou and I needs to work for everything
E-ncouraging ourselves to overcome all the hindrances
D-on't let anything to ruined the things we work from the first
E-verthing will be perfect if
L-ove and understanding is the first thing we must wor for
E-nd is always present
O-nly the two of us can conquer all
N-othing and no one else.

Melvin Munoz
M-otorcycle boost my mind
E-verthing that has connection with this is so important with me
L-ooking for more ideas how to fix this is what i want
V-ictory for me when im done learning
I-n every parts that i see
N-othing is not important
M-ore wires that i see makes me more excited
U-nexpected things happen comes when im experimenting i
N-ever think that this is hard cause for me its more fun
O-ver the things that i do
Z-ag objects is one of the thing needed here.

Mary – Anne Distor
My unconditional love
Accepts who you are
Respects what you are
You’ll be treated specially
Aside from that I’ll make sure
No one will hurt you and
No one can make us apart and I will love you
Endlessly hoping to always be with  you
Desparately inlove with you
I love you
Seeing you with other person makes me wanna cry
That tears my heart into pieces
Over and over I will still love you forever
Remember that I am always here for you 

J-ust love me my love, just believe what you are
A- and always remember the day that you can found
I-ndicate the trials and do with your heart
L-ead your arms and praise
L-et the day to handle the pain
A-nd don't forget to do praying
A-nd always thank him
R-emember the gods plan
T-rial is not easy to solve
I-ndependent people can revolve
C-ut the precious loud
A-nd praise to GOD


R-eading books is my hobbies
I-n order to escape the reality
Z-igzag lines on my palm
Z-ealous in achieving something
A-lways look for something
A-dventure waiting and i never imagine
L-ife is full of adventure and it makes me excite
L-ittle do i know how can i survive
I-n this real world, that is far from the books i read
H-appy and there's no problem need to think
Y-ou just going to do whatever you want to do
A-nd in this world, you need to sacrifice, it is also for you.
R-eading books makes me feel dumb know that
A-t this world is like what i read and imagine
M-anipulate my mind
I-t is not the world you think, not all the story has a happy ending
R-eminiscing the memories i make in reading stories
E-very one happy stories is not true
Z-ippy living is all what i need.

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